Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Breast Pump: Friend or Foe?

So, I am breast feeding Nash. This was a significant struggle in the beginning. I felt super prepared for birth, thanks to my Hypnobabies class, however no one thought to fill me in on what I was in for with breastfeeding.

One thing that I purchased was a Avent Duo Electric Breast Pump to help bring my milk in and since I plan to return to work before I wean my kid, this would be a necessary item.

The first time I pumped I thought to myself "Well if I didn't feel like a feeding machine before, I definitely feel like heifer now." This thing is a double pump so you attach it to both boobs and it tries to, not just retrieve your milk, but suck the ever living life out of you. I am pretty sure a breast pump could suck milk from anything with nipples, not just a lactating mother.

Now, after a few weeks of nursing, I feel as though I have the hang of it. I actually (GASP) enjoy it. Even though I thought every mother who said she enjoyed breastfeeding was the most delusional liar I had ever met. However, pumping was still a loathsome task. It just flat out hurt and felt a little degrading. I know every mother who does pump will say "Just think of your baby." Well, all I could think of was "OMG it's only been 1 minute and 38 seconds?!" So here are a few tips that I have found to make pumping bearable:

1. Use a little olive oil on your nips before you put the suckers on. Two reasons why this is effective; A. Your baby doesn't have a dry mouth, it's full of natural lube to make nursing easier B. Olive oil is a natural healing oil and will help with chaps nips.

2. Turn on the TV. I like to watch Food Network and by the time the host is on to the second dish, I am finished and have two full bottles.

3. RELAX. This is probably the most important, but tips one and two help me achieve this.

Now, that I have found the secret recipe for pleasant pumping, I can pump once or twice a day without any hesitation or the butt cringe of "OMG NOT AGAIN!!"

So, in answer to my original question Friend or Foe, for me, it's a love hate relationship. It allows for me to not have to be available to nurse (fun for a night out, not fun for a way to go back to work) It allows Baby Daddy some bonding time. It takes time away from doing something else because I have to do this.

I guess I am grateful that I have the option. So, today, it's a friend. But ask me again tomorrow, I may have a different answer.

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