Monday, August 22, 2011

Nash's Baby Dedication

Today, we had Nash's baby dedication.
First off, he looked so dang cute.  It was a really special day for our little family.  I have thought about our baby's dedication long before we decided to start having kids.  It's a very important step as a couple, parents, and a family.
A baby dedication's purpose to is to honor and acknowledge that "our children are a trust from the Lord. Children are given in love from the Lord, always belong to Him and are to be nurtured in their love and knowledge of Him. For this reason we as parents dedicate ourselves to love and disciple our children to follow our Lord Jesus and dedicate our children to Him who has entrusted them to us."
We also commit to showing Nash a Godly marriage and providing him with a home full of love.  
These are two very tall orders, but just as we promised before loved ones and God that we would always love, honor and cherish one another; we promised to love, honor and cherish our new son and raise him in the ways of the Lord.

It was so wonderful to be surrounded by our family and friends and take this step to mature Nash's spirituality together.  We thank God every day for the blessing of this baby boy.


  1. So proud of you both as Nash's parents that you see the importance of taking these steps along the journey. Wish we weren't so far away but glad you have family and friends there with you to join in these precious moments. We love you and our little Nasher! He did look amazing! :)

  2. It looks like it was a truly blessed day and he was so handsome in his little outfit. You guys are good looking family :)
