Friday, September 16, 2011

I'm Ok with It

I have been a mom for 3 and 1/2 months and a perfectionist for 26 years.
Two things that don't mix: Perfectionism and life after a child.
As much as I tried to cling to my old ways of life, it simply is no longer possible.  This is what I came up with; I am ok with it.
I am ok that we will probably never have enough money, time, or sleep, but we will always have an abundance of love.
I am ok that my dishes sit on a dirty sink with a half unloaded dishwasher for 4 days, because we have a delicious meal nearly every night and Isaac usually makes it and really what is sexier than a man who cooks?!
I am ok with my saggy, stretch marked, resembles a cat who has had too many litters belly, because it has grown the cutest, most precious baby and hopefully will hold a few more.
I am ok with going to bed at 9 PM and bailing on going out with friends because my baby needs to be in bed by 7:30.
I am ok that spending quality time with Baby Daddy is catching up on our DVR'd TV shows that we missed because we are just too busy to watch it when it's on.
I am ok with my new perfume of spit up and baby lotion, because it means I was snuggling Nash all day.

And most of all, I am ok with not being super mom and pretending I have everything under control, because who wants to be friends with a perfectionist anyway?

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