Saturday, October 1, 2011

Swear Jar

I have a swearing problem. We both do. I have to admit, I do love a good swear. 
There are times when Shoot, Dang, Son of Bucket, Fetch and Heck just don't cut it.  In my life, it's most of the time.  Perhaps, it's the fact that I was raised in Utah county for the latter part of my adolescence (pun intended) and it just sounds so Utah, or it could be that I get a little satisfaction from giving the "brothers and sisters" the butt cringe when I curse at Wal-Mart.  Whatever the reason, there are two things I know: 
1. I don't want my kid to look like the one photographed above
2. I don't want our kid to sound like us
Therefore, the only thing I can come up with to fix this behavior is a friendly competition.  Isaac and I are usually in some form of a wager (which I almost always win.) And so begins our new Swear Jar.
This is how it will work; since it makes no cents (yes I meant to do that) to have us put money in a jar because we share money. We decided to have two jars and fill them with noodles for every swear that is uttered. Whoever fills the jar the fasted is the loser. The loser has to read a book of the winner's choice.
When I win, Isaac will read The Help. If, by some random act of Nature (God wouldn't let me lose) Isaac wins, I will have to read The Hobbit.
It's starts tomorrow and may the cleanest mouth win.

1 comment:

  1. I love this picture. It is so freakin funny (see no swear word!) great post and tell Isaac The Help is a good book from what I'm told and it should be good read for him ;)
